Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!

I know I've been absent from the blogging world lately...and for those of you not on Facebook...this is probably your first glimpse of the twins (there are LOTS of pictures on there...I'm a big Facebook pusher, sorry!...I think you should join! ;o) )
The twins will be 3 months on the 28th....whew! We're in quite a good routine now...not sleeping thru the night yet...but we're getting there!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Babes!

Here is my "Twas the Night Before the Twins" belly. 38 Weeks - September 27, 2009:

We got up on Monday morning before our alarm went off at 4:30am. Trevor didn't sleep one wink and I think I got about an hour of sleep that night. Talk about anxious!

We drove up to the Hospital, went in through the ER entrance and checked in with the lady at the front desk there. We were then led down the hall to Labor and Delivery and they took me right into triage to set me up with the baby monitors and to get my IV going.

It took a long time to try and find each of their little heartbeats on the monitor, and they kept moving in and out of each little paddles range. Seemed like we monkey'd around with that for a LONG time. Of course I wasn't watching the clock, but I would guess it took around 30 minutes to get them both located! :o)

Then it was IV time...and I've actually become pretty good with all the needles sticking in me, but it could have been the combination of anxiety, needles, blood and nothing to eat or drink since midnight that I felt like I was going to pass out. I told the nurse right away and she got me a cool washcloth and laid me back a bit to get rid of the light-headedness.

Then everyone started coming out of the woodwork. My OB came in with a small ultrasound machine to see if Julia had turned into the head down position...and she was still breech, so everything went on as planned.

I was pretty scared, not knowing exactly what to expect. The anesthesiologist came in to talk about the spinal drugs I was going to get, then all the OR nurses came in to introduce themselves, and I could see all the assistants walking around in their booties and starting to get their gowns on as I sat in triage. Started freaking out a bit at this point and a few tears streamed down my face. Trevor looked over at me and looked a little concerned that I was getting upset. He assured me that he'd be right there with me.

They got the results back from the bloodwork they were waiting for and it was time for me to walk into the OR. Everyone in there had on masks with plastic shields protecting their eyes, and green scrubs and gowns. I zeroed in on the bed. It wasn't very wide...only enough for one body on there...narrower than a twin bed. They helped me up there and gave me the anesthesia in my back. The anesthesiologist must have hit some sort of nerve cause my right leg went tingly and I jumped a bit and my leg slipped off the stool it was propped on...a little he tried it in a different spot. He kept asking me to slouch over so he could get the medicine in the proper place. I wasn't slouching well enough for him...and had to remind him that it was hard to slouch with a huge beach ball in my lap! :o) He said I had the best posture. Ha! I draped myself onto my OB and she held me up as my 194 pound body relaxed into her. I remember apologizing for being so heavy on her. She assured me she was fine and told me that she'd have someone else come and hold her up if she couldn't hold me anymore. :o)

They laid me down on the table and kept asking me to help move my legs...HELLO! They just shot anesthetic in my back and expect me to move? Yeah, not really.

**and that is as far as I got with that post. I really wish I would have finished was fun to re-read! Darn it all, anyway!!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Got a call from the Hospital today to set the time to come in for the C-section. 5:15 am! That means...bed early and get up at like 4:30. Sheeshka-Beeshka! I'm so excited to have more energy and less weight to carry around (of course, not to mention, to meet these 2 little people!!). Not much more to say about it yet. Will post pics here someday...and for sure, Facebook. Keep us in your prayers! ♥

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

♥ Visit from Aunt TT ♥

Auntie TT came for her "weekend" from the fire crew in Powell, ID and it seemed like a very quick trip, but we loved having her here!

She chopped my hair off:

and styled Ali's hair (cut a bit off her bangs, too) and buzzed Noel's hair! I even gave Trace a trim (under her direction, of course!) Very productive. She also took this super cute picture of them...don't you just LOVE Noel's outfit?

Yesterday, we did some, fabric and clothes. Trace is going to make Ali a "quilted" duvet cover and bedskirt...the color theme will be purples and greens...hopefully something that she can use for a long time and not find "babyish" when she's a teenager! :o) We also trudged to Old Navy and TT used her birthday gift certificate and got lots of cool new clothes! Now she's on her way back up to Powell for the week. Thanks for coming TT, we love you! ♥

Monday, August 3, 2009

30 weeks ~ FINALLY!! :)

10 weeks left...let's COUNT IT DOWN! :o)

Here is the belly update:

and here are some 3D pictures of Twin Boy:
and Twin Girl at 29 weeks:

This bottom one reminds me of Ali already!! My mom says "Same recipe!" :) At the last dr. appt and ultrasound(last week) they were both 3 pounds 4 oz. Anything else I forgot to mention? Let me know and I can post about that, too!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Belly Update ~ 25 weeks

All right, here I am at 25 weeks. Yes. TWENTY-FIVE weeks.
Comparatively, here I am with Noel at THIRTY-NINE weeks. Yes. THIRTY-NINE.
Twins much? I think so.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Yesterday was my first Doctor appointment since 2 weeks ago when we found out there are 2 little babies in the belly. I think it was the LONGEST two weeks ever...with little gratification, actually.

I asked about all the worries that come with twins: Bedrest, Inducing, C-Sections. She could only tell me that we have to wait and see how my body responds to it all. I am, of course, at higher risk for all the pregnancy problems: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, etc. just because there are two.

I gained another 10 pounds this past month. I asked how much I would gain...she said 40lbs is pretty normal. I am at 28 so far. Eeeek.

She measured my belly and I asked what the difference was between Noel at the same time. She said I measured 24 inches at 24 weeks with Noel. I was 23 weeks yesterday...27 inches. Quite a difference, I'd say!

My due date is still October 12...the original due date....40 weeks gestation, but there is a higher risk of premature labor, too.

So. Keep waiting is my prescription.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Big Rig

Back, March? April? We decided to get a bigger vehicle and I have just now taken pictures for you! Our thinking back then was, "Well, eventually we plan to have 4 kids, so lets just take the plunge now since we will need the space." Little did we know we'd have 4 kids so soon!! :o) No wonder God made that decision so peaceful in the midst of a recession!

Our old car was a 2005 Hyundai Elantra. Sat only 5, well, 4 with two humungo car seats in it. I miss our sprite little car, wasn't quite as intimidating to me....I could park it VERY easily...this new one? Yeah, I park in the North 40.

This is a 2008 Ford Expedition XL (extra long). It seats 8 (3 rows of seats) and still has room for the dog and luggage in the waaaay back (that's what we used to call it growing up...the way back). We bought it used (only 1 year!) and it was HALF the price of buying it brand new! I'd say that was a deal!

A Backyard Full of Fun!

We've had the swingset up for a while now...long enough to think it was spring and for it to get about 4 inches of snow on it-twice! But since it snowed last Saturday a bit, I don't know that it means much...

Anyway...this years backyard is a far cry from last year when we had only the pool in the backyard. Now you can see (from left to right) the swingset, the baby slide that our neighbor gave us and the sandbox. All are SUPER fun!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thoughts on Twins

Wow. Yeah. Wow.

Let's see if I can post the story without it becoming a NOVEL.
I had been hearing a lot this pregnancy from so many people..."maybe it's twins!" Mostly in a joking know the way... But this pregnancy was different in a couple ways from the 1st trimester, to of course, the revealing ultrasound yesterday. First was the brutal, unrelenting morning sickness that lasted a few weeks into my second trimester. I was sick with Ali and Noel, but when I transitioned into my second trimester, the sickness stopped. I was waiting for that with this one, but it lasted a good month over. Then the light bleeding for a couple days. I'd never bled with the others before. The best tell-tail sign was my expanding waistline. I went in for my April dr. appt and I was 153 lbs...May...I was 163. 10 pounds in one month. I'd never gained that much so fast. And both me and my friend June knew that I looked so big for only being 20 weeks along. This is how big I should be in like my 7th or 8th month, for me. Yeah. I'm in month 5. Will I even be able to WALK in 3 months!!?? :o)
So. We go into the sonographer and I hoist myself onto the chair/table thing and she squirts the warm goo all over and does a quick pass with the paddle and Trevor and I see immediately two distinct head shapes. Trevor said he knew immediately there were 2 in there...I was pretty sure that's what I saw, too. The sonographer asked, "Have you had any other ultrasounds this pregnancy?" (clue #2 for me). Me - "No". Her - "Yeah, there's two babies in there."
We were able to see the sex very easily. She rolled over "Twin A" and said..."Well, this is a girl" and then rolled over to "Twin B"..."and this is a boy!"
HOW PERFECT IS THAT? We had always said we wanted 4 I only have to do it in 3 pregnancies and we got the desires of our heart. PRAISE JESUS!
It's kind of a dumb-founding experience to first learn that there are 2 little ones growing in your belly, but then to start thinking about how you need to prepare for their arrival. Aren't we SO glad we got that Ford Expedition! But now we need another car seat, another crib, another high chair, another pak-n-play, maybe a changing table downstairs (June, we may need to set up something like you have now!), another, another, another.
I guess I'm not going to get out of having to change 3 sets of diapers. Ali is trained...but I'm not holding my breath that Noel will be...but it's all so temporary...I can't get overwhelmed by the task. I have God on my side. I can lean on Him for my strength, and He will provide.
The biggest prayer requests I have is that the babies be healthy, free of disease or deformation and that I will not worry about them and know that God is in control. These are His babies. He loves them and has a plan for them. He loves them more than we humanly can. He knows what's best. I need the comfort of knowing this and for Him to take away my worry. I'm such a worrier.
What else is there that I can add to my story? Oh, due date. I'm officially 40 weeks on October 12, but the sonographer said "they" usually don't like to see a twin pregnancy go further than 38 weeks...that would put me at Sept 28. I SO don't want to be induced OR have a I am hoping things are all able to be done naturally. There is still a lot I'm sure I have to learn. I have my next dr. appt. on June 16 and will hopefully get a lot of unknowns answered at that time. I need to start my list of questions so I don't forget!
If this post seemed full of broken thoughts and all over the place, I guess you know how my brain is working at this point! Will keep ya'll updated! I will also post some sonogram photos, but all I have is the little girl for now...little boy wouldn't cooperate...I have one picture, of his foot. We're going to try to get a picture of him on the 16th. I'll post then. ♥

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

OH MY! Happy Anniversary!

Today is Trevor and my 8th Anniversary...with many, many more on the horizon. He is a wonderful husband, God knew exactly what He was doing when he brought us together (of course He did!). For our anniversary, my wonderful friend (who also happens to be my back-door neighbor) took our kids for the afternoon as we went out to lunch and then went to my ultrasound appointment. Our gift is knowing that we are adding a girl.......and a boy to our growing family!!!!!! Heart Attack.

Here is a 21st week picture for you:

That would be why I'm feeling so huge and I'm only halfway.....!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Losing My Mind

I just have to laugh at myself.

Today (just a few minutes ago, actually) it was naptime and I generally put Noel down first and Ali second. It's easier to corral a 2 1/2 year old than a 1 1/2 year old. So, I change Noel's diaper and set it aside - as it is a cloth diaper and of the kind that needs to be swished out in the toilet (if you catch my drift). So I button him all back up, set him in his crib (to come back in a minute to close his curtains, turn on his music and fan and tuck him in) and go to dispose of the dirtyness. As I walk into the bathroom, Ali is all set up in there with her stool and a miniature cup drinking water out of the sink. I flush the nastiness and walk into Noel's room to put it in his diaper pail, then back into the bathroom to wash my hands before doing anything else. Ali is still in there drinking, so I ask her to put her stool away while I wash my hands. In the process of getting down off the stool, she spills her little cup of water all over the counter, down the cabinets and onto the stool. This makes her quite upset and doesn't want to move the stool with the water on it. I finally convince her to put it away, that the water will be fine and wipe up the counter and cabinet.

I lead her into her room and get her ready for her nap, get her cloth diaper on for naptime (which she fights me over, since while the cloth diapers were all dirty, she was getting to wear a pull-up to bed and now having to put on a diaper again was NOT COOL) , get all of her covers situated, turn on her fan and humidifier and tell her "night-night!".

I then remember the clothes in the washer and get the clothes that had been sitting in the dryer since Friday out and put my wet clothes into the dryer. Ahhhh...ready to go downstairs and relax. As I head down the stairs I hear someone say "Hi!" and notice that Noel is sitting in his crib with the shades and door wide open like someone was clearly sidetracked in the middle of putting him to bed! HA! I just had to laugh! It was so funny to be in my own little world and for him to yell "Hi" to me as I went downstairs!

Needless to say, I trekked back upstairs and made him comfortable for his nappy. Then laughed at myself all way back down the stairs after I KNEW everyone was happily situated.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I guess I should add that the morning sickness has subsided...I'm still a little tired every once in a while....but feelin pretty good overall! YAY!

16 weeks

Here is a nice blurry picture of 16's hard to take good pictures of yourself, I have found. And since I don't have much else to report....that's all you're gettin'.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blame it on the Rain

...or snow or sleet or whatever else kind of crummy weather you are having. And here is why. I've come to the conclusion that, after all the blogs I've read of all us SAHM's going a little bit nuts and needing breaks, that we can blame it on the weather.

You see...we had about a week of weather in the 60's a couple weeks ago....and everything was sunshine and roses around here. The kids loved being outside...I loved being outside. It was such a change from the everyday same ol' same ol'...there were places to explore, walks to be had, bikes to ride on....not the stuffy air of the house...where we have extinguished all of our indoor fun ideas.

I am so ready to throw up the windows and let the warm spring & summer air flow through the house. I'm ready to lay on the cool grass in the backyard. The kids got money toward a swing set for Christmas, so I just ordered one up and it should be here next week. I am ready to push them on the swing set and play with them in the sandbox. I'm ready to visit with my neighbors out in the alley. I'm just READY.

I wouldn't say I was complaining about the weather. If I didn't have 2 toddlers in the house, I'd be fine with whatever it was doing outside...but we're all getting a little stir crazy in here...and just need a change of scenery and air.

So. That's my opinion. and for all you still singing the title of my's a little Milli Vanilli flashback for you! ;)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009


So. I've never read or watched a Twilight story before...BUT I know a few of you are GREAT fans (Ms. Coatney & Ms. Tribe). SO...get this...(especially you two):

Local actor filming new 'Twilight' movie
By Jennifer K. Bauer, of the Lewiston Morning Tribune Friday, March 20, 2009

Chaske Spencer
Locally raised actor Chaske Spencer will have a major role in "New Moon," the movie sequel to the wildly popular "Twilight" vampire series.Spencer will play alpha wolf Sam Uley. The movie is filming in Vancouver, British Columbia, under high security and secrecy because of concerns about crowd control. The series, based on a set of top-selling teen novels by Stephenie Meyer, is about a group of modern-day vampires living on the Washington state coast."It's really exciting," says Spencer's mother, Jan Spencer, a special education teacher at Tammany Alternative School in Lewiston, where she also is the Indian educator and drug educator. Her husband, Jim Spencer, is a counselor at Clearwater Valley Elementary School in Kooskia.Since finding out he was in the film, she's read all the books and seen the "Twilight" movie. She says it's exciting to see her son be a part of a pop culture phenomenon. Paparazzi uncovered the identities of the actors in the film earlier this week, she says. Before that the family was not allowed to talk about Spencer's role in the film.Spencer, whose first name is pronounced "chess-kay," was born in Oklahoma and spent part of his childhood in Lapwai, Kooskia and Montana. His heritage includes Sioux, Nez Perce, Cherokee, Creek, French and Dutch. In "New Moon" he will play a Quileute Indian shape-shifter, or werewolf. In Meyer's book, legend has it the Quileute are descended from wolves. The film is due to be released Nov. 20.Spencer got into acting at the age of 10, when he tried out for the Lewiston Civic Theatre play "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." He was in the drama club at Clearwater Valley High School in Kooskia and started acting classes at Lewis-Clark State College before heading to New York City to pursue an acting career. He's had roles in the movie "Skins," a follow-up to the 1998 film "Smoke Signals," and the 2003 ABC-TV miniseries "Dreamkeeper."

You might recognize this guy...! Yup...we know him as James! I acted along side of him in 1994 in Bye Bye Birdie! So awesome that someone from CVHS is in the big time! Congrats Chaske!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

CRAZY Pregnant Dreams

So, I don't really remember having really crazy dreams with Ali and Noel...but this time it seems like I have one a's a taste of my craziness:

I was at a friend from high schools house (Shoni Konrad...Graves, now) watching her 2 boys, and her really mean ex-husband (she's never been divorced) came over and started harassing me. He was a pretty good looking guy, blond, tall...but very angry. He was demanding to know where she was and threatening to take the boys...I was SCARED! Finally, her husband (who has always really been her husband) and she came riding back to the house on dirt motor bikes (?) and then she proceeded to deal with this crazy man.

I'm sure there was more to that than I can remember, but it seemed really odd. I'm sure they were in my thoughts because I got an email from them that day about how their son will have his letter to the President published in a book for the president to read....ANYWAY!

I have also had dreams I was miscarrying and one that another friend from high school (Amy Norton) was serving my family breakfast at this restaurant where you rode around on Army tanks and tried to outrun REAL missiles...I think my mom got something with Hollandaise sauce on it...but I remember that we weren't able to outrun the missile and it hit mom and sister and I all jumped off, but my dad was in the back and the tank rolled over onto the side he was sitting on...not all the way over...but I wasn't sure if we'd be able to get him out or not...I think Ali was sitting with him..I can remember seeing the top of her head...and then I JOLTED awake. That one was NOT fun.

Why all the craziness? Must be those hormones.

Monday, February 16, 2009

6 more weeks.

My ticker says I'm six weeks today. Can I take 6 more weeks of quesiness? Some days....I don't think so.

I've been SUPER tired this time...maybe because I CAN be. With Ali, I was working, so I didn't have time to sleep my first trimester away. With Noel, I was moving from Maine back to packing up the house, deep cleaning it to get the deposit back and then driving 12 hours a day across the US to MT! I'm suprised I made it!!

Starting Thursday...the constant motion sickness has kicked in. For those of you who have not experienced first trimester "Morning" sickness...mine is like this: constant car sickness. This icky, bitter taste in your mouth that makes you sick...and the smell of most anything almost sends you to the bathroom. So far, I can't do tomato sauces, garlic, pizza. The only thing I could muster to eat last night was pancakes. I told Trevor..."I'll put a frozen pizza in for you, but the rest of us are eating pancakes." The kids sure enjoyed THAT dinner! Me too. It might be pancakes for the next six weeks. Any thought of dinner food makes me sicker. Although, I might be able to do home made Mac & Cheese tonight...the milder and blaher the dish...the better!

Any other blah dish ideas? I don't feel much like thinking, either....just sleeping...I don't even know if this post makes any sense... :o)

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I haven't taken a test in a couple years, so I was a little nervous yesterday when I had to take one. You know that "pre-test" feeling you get...sweaty palms, nervousness...and racking your brain to make sure you have studied right and know ALL the answers?

I remember back in school that I'd just cram right before the test....not spend days and days studying. Maybe because I didn't think I could retain the information for that long or (more likely) that I was lazy and really didn't care about how the universe was *Bang* and then there all of a sudden. Or how x = 16 and how to find x. Maybe I really DO use that algebra stuff on a daily basis...but maybe not..I usually just ask Trevor if I can't figure out the number thing.

I've never been a really prepared scholar. I remember jumping up and down next to the old dot matrix printer in my college apartment waiting for a paper to print out as I counted down the minutes until the very class I needed it for started. 5 minutes....4 minutes....hurry, hurry, it off the printer...DARN! The ribbon ink is running low and all the words are VERY faint. Oh well...2 minutes to class....jump on my bike and ride 2 blocks to school and then across least I made it. Can you believe that I graduated from both High School AND college??? Must have helped that my major was in theatre! :o) I must have learned SOMETHING along the way...!

SO. Back to yesterday's test. YAY! I passed with flying colors! 100% It only took a few minutes to calculate the results....but by around October 12...I'll look something like this:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Big Girl

A couple weeks ago I converted Ali's crib into a toddler bed. She's been doing pretty well with it so far.

When I first changed it, she wasn't able to open the door, so in the morning I would find her laying in front of the door waiting to be let out...but no toys were out of place!

She has since learned to open up her door.

Last Thursday I put her to bed for the night and came downstairs to check my email. Trevor was at worship practice (he runs the A/V equipment). All of a sudden I hear a thundering of footsteps and I turn around and see a beaming 2 year old running at me full blast. That meant that she was able to open the door, navigate through the darkness to the stairs, scoot down the stairs and then RUN to me here at the computer! Boy, was I surprised!!
It ALSO didn't take long for her to discover that she can get up and pull all the books and toys I went up to get her from her nap one day last week and found her like this:

Yup. Those are her black patent leather shoes. Nice outfit, huh? At least she matches!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Throw Pillows

After all the Christmas sewing I snuck a little project in there for our house.
I saw these pillows at Costco and then just duplicated them with stuff I already had...used left-over fabric from when my mom and I re-covered our chair back in Maine...some poly-fiber fill that I think I've had since before we were 10 years!...invisible zippers that my mom gave me a while back...and the inside pillow made with muslin I got from Tiff (she gave me an entire BOLT....long story). I guess the only thing I needed to buy was the matching thread!

The color is a bit off in the close's more like the color on the photo of the entire couch.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

You Might Be a Redneck...

if your definition of High Def TV is to wipe the dust off your TV set.

Yeah, it's a lot clearer if you do that.

Yup. I'm a Redneck. :o)


“(Post the fourth picture in the fourth folder of your pictures and explain! oh yeah, and tag 4 more people).”

This was taken the other day...they were coloring so nicely together. I think Ali dropped a crayon which is why she's in a kinda funny position...but you said the 4th picture...not the one I would have chosen to post...but I'm just following the rules!

Sounded easy and fun, and I didn't have to do a lot of thinking..! And I'm gonna play like Danica and say: "If you want to play along, then consider yourself tagged!"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Long Overdue...!

I've kinda been a blogging slacker lately. Maybe recouping from the holidays...

Some updates~

Tracey, her boyfriend Matt and her friend Serra from Missouri came for a long weekend. We had a great time with them and glad they came by. Ali just loves her "TT". Noel prefers his mommy which is fine with me! :o)

Potty training is still going well. She still has accidents and refuses to go #2 in the potty. She waits until she has a diaper on for nap. It'll come...I know...Encouraging to know that I know no one my age that still has potty accidents! :o)

Noel loves running through the house, screaming, yelling and talking. His vocabulary consists of "Mommy, Daddy, Nana (Banana), Cracker, WaWa (water), Baby, Puppy, Meow." There could be more but I can't think of any right now.

My main job is serious referee. Ali is ALWAYS taking toys away from Noel. The result? Glass shattering little boy screams. I think I say these words the most throughout the day "Ali, give that toy back to Noel. He had it first." So yes. The fighting has already begun...and they are 2 and 1. 20 years to go.

Some thoughts on today's Inauguration:

Some of my Christian friends seem to be seriously worried about our new president. My view? It is comforting to know that Barack Obama is not ultimately in control. The Most High is on His throne and has EVERYTHING under control! Maybe Christians will come under more persecution, but maybe not....but Jesus told us that we WILL be persecuted for His name. Do not worry...He is there, watching over us. I have been doing my Daniel study and am in the eschatology section. Only God knows what time we are truly in, but I was so excited to read this passage in Revelation: "And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God...They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years...This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years." vv.4-6
My point? Even if we are persecuted...isn't it SO worth it to reign with Jesus over the devil? BRING IT ON! I have SO much Jesus excitement in my soul that I don't even know how to put it all down into words..! I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say is that I do not fear man.

Also...being pessimistic...has any president ever done everything they say they are going to do during their campaign?