Tuesday, June 2, 2009

OH MY! Happy Anniversary!

Today is Trevor and my 8th Anniversary...with many, many more on the horizon. He is a wonderful husband, God knew exactly what He was doing when he brought us together (of course He did!). For our anniversary, my wonderful friend (who also happens to be my back-door neighbor) took our kids for the afternoon as we went out to lunch and then went to my ultrasound appointment. Our gift is knowing that we are adding a girl.......and a boy to our growing family!!!!!! Heart Attack.

Here is a 21st week picture for you:

That would be why I'm feeling so huge and I'm only halfway.....!


  1. Okay, so I just commented on your FB and then checked your blog for more info! How awesome to find out the awesome news on your anniversary! WOW...twins! How are you? Are you feeling okay?? I will be praying for you! I just feel like I need to tell you to give all anxious-ness over to God and REPEAT as needed! Just give it to Him and then again and then again! You are a rock star mom!!! :)

  2. WOW WOW WOW!!!! Seriously. That is amazing! Congrats! Twins!!! What a great gift for your anniversary, right? I am just so amazed. But fun to have boy and girl twins! And really, you are SO tiny and especially for having twins! I'm impressed! Well, if you ever need a breather send Ali and Noel my way for a few days :) we'd have loads of fun!

  3. Oh, sorry that last post was from me-Cami. I have been trying to update my blogs and was logged in my photography one :)

  4. I am so excited for you! I can't imagine what you are feeling right now! So cool. I will be praying that the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful and wonderful.

  5. Finally checked your blog. !!!!!!!!! I'm still so excited for you! I think your whole block is buzzing about it. :-) After looking at the pic you posted, yes, you do look huge for 21 weeks. But in person, you hide it well! Keep it up! And thanks for watching the kids. Beth

  6. I can't help but say you need to update your family on your blog. Poor Baby #4 is unlisted!

  7. ooooo! Good call Beth! Updated!
