Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thoughts on Twins

Wow. Yeah. Wow.

Let's see if I can post the story without it becoming a NOVEL.
I had been hearing a lot this pregnancy from so many people..."maybe it's twins!" Mostly in a joking know the way... But this pregnancy was different in a couple ways from the 1st trimester, to of course, the revealing ultrasound yesterday. First was the brutal, unrelenting morning sickness that lasted a few weeks into my second trimester. I was sick with Ali and Noel, but when I transitioned into my second trimester, the sickness stopped. I was waiting for that with this one, but it lasted a good month over. Then the light bleeding for a couple days. I'd never bled with the others before. The best tell-tail sign was my expanding waistline. I went in for my April dr. appt and I was 153 lbs...May...I was 163. 10 pounds in one month. I'd never gained that much so fast. And both me and my friend June knew that I looked so big for only being 20 weeks along. This is how big I should be in like my 7th or 8th month, for me. Yeah. I'm in month 5. Will I even be able to WALK in 3 months!!?? :o)
So. We go into the sonographer and I hoist myself onto the chair/table thing and she squirts the warm goo all over and does a quick pass with the paddle and Trevor and I see immediately two distinct head shapes. Trevor said he knew immediately there were 2 in there...I was pretty sure that's what I saw, too. The sonographer asked, "Have you had any other ultrasounds this pregnancy?" (clue #2 for me). Me - "No". Her - "Yeah, there's two babies in there."
We were able to see the sex very easily. She rolled over "Twin A" and said..."Well, this is a girl" and then rolled over to "Twin B"..."and this is a boy!"
HOW PERFECT IS THAT? We had always said we wanted 4 I only have to do it in 3 pregnancies and we got the desires of our heart. PRAISE JESUS!
It's kind of a dumb-founding experience to first learn that there are 2 little ones growing in your belly, but then to start thinking about how you need to prepare for their arrival. Aren't we SO glad we got that Ford Expedition! But now we need another car seat, another crib, another high chair, another pak-n-play, maybe a changing table downstairs (June, we may need to set up something like you have now!), another, another, another.
I guess I'm not going to get out of having to change 3 sets of diapers. Ali is trained...but I'm not holding my breath that Noel will be...but it's all so temporary...I can't get overwhelmed by the task. I have God on my side. I can lean on Him for my strength, and He will provide.
The biggest prayer requests I have is that the babies be healthy, free of disease or deformation and that I will not worry about them and know that God is in control. These are His babies. He loves them and has a plan for them. He loves them more than we humanly can. He knows what's best. I need the comfort of knowing this and for Him to take away my worry. I'm such a worrier.
What else is there that I can add to my story? Oh, due date. I'm officially 40 weeks on October 12, but the sonographer said "they" usually don't like to see a twin pregnancy go further than 38 weeks...that would put me at Sept 28. I SO don't want to be induced OR have a I am hoping things are all able to be done naturally. There is still a lot I'm sure I have to learn. I have my next dr. appt. on June 16 and will hopefully get a lot of unknowns answered at that time. I need to start my list of questions so I don't forget!
If this post seemed full of broken thoughts and all over the place, I guess you know how my brain is working at this point! Will keep ya'll updated! I will also post some sonogram photos, but all I have is the little girl for now...little boy wouldn't cooperate...I have one picture, of his foot. We're going to try to get a picture of him on the 16th. I'll post then. ♥


  1. I'm so excited for you guys. How amazing! I have a friend back home who has 8 kids -- including two sets of twins. One set was born with all sorts of "drama" - the other was totally healthy. So she knows the ropes! Here's her blog, fwiw. She's SUPER friendly and would gladly answer questions!

  2. wowza! that's awesome! congratulations! so, so, so cool. we'll add you in our prayers. cheers to a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  3. HOW EXCITING!!! So awesome! Praise God that He is fearfully and wonderfully creating these little ones inside your growing self! Awesome! Hey...will you email Jaime and ask her to leave a comment for me again on my blog and leave her email again? I was supposed to email her so that she could invite me to view her private blog, but the email she left was incorrect. Wow, I think I just confused myself. Anyway, that would be awesome! Or, you could just tell her that my email is! Thanks!

  4. That is so amazing. You definitely had that Motherly instinct...and so did Trevor....well, Fatherly instinct I guess on having twins. And all this time I am saying you look so tiny. I still think you do. You should see me at 3 months. It is ridiculously SAD. Someone asked if I was due anyday when I was 6 months pregnant with Brayden :( And I got the "are you having twins" ALL the time! Well, I am super excited for you! I totally wish I lived closer so I could help you!
