Thursday, February 5, 2009


I haven't taken a test in a couple years, so I was a little nervous yesterday when I had to take one. You know that "pre-test" feeling you get...sweaty palms, nervousness...and racking your brain to make sure you have studied right and know ALL the answers?

I remember back in school that I'd just cram right before the test....not spend days and days studying. Maybe because I didn't think I could retain the information for that long or (more likely) that I was lazy and really didn't care about how the universe was *Bang* and then there all of a sudden. Or how x = 16 and how to find x. Maybe I really DO use that algebra stuff on a daily basis...but maybe not..I usually just ask Trevor if I can't figure out the number thing.

I've never been a really prepared scholar. I remember jumping up and down next to the old dot matrix printer in my college apartment waiting for a paper to print out as I counted down the minutes until the very class I needed it for started. 5 minutes....4 minutes....hurry, hurry, it off the printer...DARN! The ribbon ink is running low and all the words are VERY faint. Oh well...2 minutes to class....jump on my bike and ride 2 blocks to school and then across least I made it. Can you believe that I graduated from both High School AND college??? Must have helped that my major was in theatre! :o) I must have learned SOMETHING along the way...!

SO. Back to yesterday's test. YAY! I passed with flying colors! 100% It only took a few minutes to calculate the results....but by around October 12...I'll look something like this:


  1. SOOOO CUTE! Congratulations!! I am so excited for you and Trevor! Can't wait to meet the newest addition!

  2. That's the cutest way someone has broken the news yet. You are awesome. Congrats!!!

  3. WOW!! I am so excited for you! How fun! Do you have pretty simple pregnancies?

  4. So far I have had simple ones...Pray this one is simple and healthy, too!!

  5. congratulations! and so witty. i think it would be in your best interest to quit reading my blog now because three kids are kicking my butt. they are undefeated.

  6. AWESOME!!! (and the comment previous to mine is hysterical!)

  7. I know, she cracks me up too, Danica!
