Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!

I know I've been absent from the blogging world lately...and for those of you not on Facebook...this is probably your first glimpse of the twins (there are LOTS of pictures on there...I'm a big Facebook pusher, sorry!...I think you should join! ;o) )
The twins will be 3 months on the 28th....whew! We're in quite a good routine now...not sleeping thru the night yet...but we're getting there!


  1. Welcome back! SO SO SO cute! I can't believe they will be 3 months on the 28th. That went by fast--for me, probably not for you :) Looks like you guys are all doing well. You're definitely my inspiration! I'm so impressed with how well you stay on top of things. Wow!

  2. ahhh, there is a picture! i love them! could they be any more adorable? i think not! and you look amazing! super amazing!
