Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Haven't posted for a while, mostly because...well, I don't know why. Guess not a whole lot has happened in the last few days. We have been kept inside by the snow falling, falling, falling outside. We don't have TONS, but we have enough that we need to get outside in the next few days and shovel off the walkways. My gramma gave us a little electric snow-blower that we need to break out and try. Maybe I'll do that today at naptime...

I have finished a couple Christmas presents, but won't post pictures until after Christmas so they can be a surprise for the recipient (and for you!) HA!

Made Christmas cookies, Truffles from Kraft Food and Family (as a side note (way to the side), you can get this magazine FREE! It has great recipes and uses things you most likely have around the house! Here is a link if you want to check out a magazine before you sign up) and finished Noel's stocking that I started last year before Christmas. I guess I just get burnt out on projects and have to finish later. It took me about an hour to finish Noel's stocking...funny...that if I would only have taken that hour last year...I wouldn't have had to do anything on it this year....OH WELL. I'll give myself some slack since I was taking care of a 2 month old and a 15 month old!
Here are my cookies and the stocking...for your viewing pleasure! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!

They even had Noel's NAME in a stocking holder! ;o) *WINK WINK*

Rich Rolled Sugar Cookies ~Yum!

Auntie Eleanor's Filled Cookies (peppermint frosting filled)

1 comment:

  1. I just LOVE how Noel's stocking turned out!! Very elegant. You should post Noel and Ali's together - that one was also gorgeous!
